Labels:bulletin board | cassette tape | laptop | sky OCR: LASERJIGHT EXPLORING HAWAII CD ROM Bed Break Guide 006 Plan your BEST vacation ever: Preview BEFORE non g0! if you are planning a visit to the Hawaiian Islands, join IS pud preview the best of Hawaii. You'll see the photographs, read the descriptions and listen toa wealth of information to help you optimize your vacation. Up-to-date information from Lanai, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, 900 Oahu pud the Big Island. The following list sample: 162 Bed Breakfast hosts Hiking Trails Beaches Island events SCUBA dive sites 143 Scenic photographs Golf courses Narrated ancient legends Exciting island features Video clips Restaurant reviews Island maps drive times efc 199 Delta Music Inc PLUS Hawaiian clip UD photos TIP format have heen free for your Use Santa Monica CA 9040- Photo clipart may reproduced ro ...